Is Molasses Bad For My Horse?
(AKA Why we know the facts and don't have a problem with it).
Social media and blogs are always buzzing about molasses as an ingredient in feeds.
Some people avoid feeds with molasses, and others don't.
So what is the deal, anyway?
Let's learn about this ingredient to make an informed and educated decision about if this is right for you and your horse.
It's a by-product of the sugar industry, meaning it's been boiled down 3 times before usage to remove as much sugar as possible.
There's more sugar in 1 lb of spring grass than there is in 1/2 cup of blackstrap.
It's actually a good source of calcium, potassium, and manganese. However, no feed company uses enough molasses in their formulas to move much of the needle.
Take Home Lessons
The molasses in feed is different from the molasses you buy in the grocery store.
Blackstrap molasses is used in horse feed. It has a lower sugar content and is a low percentage of the total feed content.
Horses with metabolic disease can have products with molasses.
Suitability depends on context and exact details. A nutrition review can help you decide what is best for your situation.
Tyler Hege (Admin-Horses Nutrition Science Education) contributed to this blog.